Monday, March 21, 2011

The Origin

It's official. I've caved to the years of pressure, persuasion, encouragement and the like to finally subscribe to the voyeuristic endeavor of having a blog. I have always used writing as an outlet to understand, express, question, or explain myself and my experiences. As my life gets complicated with more & more layers, I figure now is as good a time as any to start unraveling some of these experiences, mysteries, and social observations that fascinate, perplex, & entertain me.

The first step was to name the blog. Being a self described "Word Nerd", I tossed a few ideas around until the seemingly perfect option presented itself. The duality of the meaning was ingenious and fitting, playing on both aspects of my personality which I'll derive much of my posts from, first being my family (you know, us, the Fritz's). The second being my"crazy" or what I will term my "mental hilarity", which can be highlighted or exacerbated by my "dirty mind". My "mental hilarity" is best explained with the expression usage of "on the fritz":

"The phrase is now a common American expression meaning that some mechanism is malfunctioning or broken: “The washing machine’s on the fritz again” (the British and Australian equivalent would be on the blink). However, when it first appeared, about 1902 Italicit meant that something was in a bad way or bad condition. Early recorded examples refer to the poor state of some domestic affairs, the lack of success of a stage show, and an injured leg — not a machine or device in sight."(World Wide Words is copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996–2011)

I mean really I couldn't have chosen a more fitting description of my day to day affairs than "malfunctioning", "poor state of domestic affairs". These define the condition of my living room, bathroom, and kitchen right now! Not to mention my own fragile emotional and mental states of mind which are all to often "in a bad way" or just plain "broken"!

The second meaning of "on the fritz", authored by this "dirty mind" is the sexual innuendo of using our last name. If you need further explanation then reference the country song "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" ;)

So there you have it, the origin. I can't promise anything here, it is my malleable experiment as a 'woman', 'momma', 'wife', 'word nerd', etc...I hope to bring some humor, sarcasm, and unabashed truth to the stark reality we call our life.

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