Sunday, January 29, 2012

Grapefruit Epiphany

It's taken all of my 31 years, but I've finally figured out how to eat a grapefruit. I used to approach the task with civility. Cutting the fruit in half, then running a knife around the edges of each triangular section to "loosen" the fruit from the skin & rind. Followed by spooning out the fruit in neat wedges. It always seemed like an inordinate amount of work, and time consuming at that. It wasn't until recently that I figured out I was going about the consumption all wrong. The methodology previously described had to have been introduced in a culture where servants prepared and served the food. No one in their right mind would think, oh, why don't I complicate my breakfast routine to such an extent that it takes me 15 minutes to prepare it, just so I can eat it with a spoon. As I'm no aristocrat with a team of people waiting on me, I decided to take a more primitive-caveman approach. So what if I'm standing at the counter, leaning over the cutting board, slicing the grapefruit into wedge slices, fanning out the wedge, and then biting out the fleshy fruit, while juice runs down my chin. It shaved 10 minutes off from breakfast, and I'm eating citrus verses popping granola bars like they were M&M's.

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