Saturday, May 4, 2013

My spirit is about 2-years-old

Body, mind, heart, and spirit. These four entities comprise the elemental cornerstones of an individual traversing the human condition. I was told this week that as adults we are each about 2-years-old in the sense of spiritual maturity. I agreed, I was already there, and had the metaphor to back it up. 

This revelatory example occurred at our local library. I bribed my 2-year-old with "computer time" in order to allow me the "privilege" of taking 3 minutes to select a book for myself without complete chaos ensuing.

The library has child size mouses which fit the hands of a toddler. The only problem is today's toddlers have already learned how to navigate an iPhone, or a tablet, and so the concept of using a mouse is ludicrous to them. Frustrating beyond belief. He kept looking at me as if I were purposefully torturing him with the primitive technicalities of a mouse. And as anyone with a 2-year-old realizes you cannot "help" them. Oh no, it doesn't matter that it took multiple attempts on my part to transition him from the home screen in which NOTHING was happening, to a simplistic beginner screen where bubbles were rising with letters in them. No matter that this was just the introductory screen to the game. He was insistent that I let him do it himself. So...I stepped back. And had my own realization. This was totally the play-out that God and I have on a frequent basis. I'm sure he regularly throws his hands up in exasperation, and says, "Fine. Do it your way. Have fun with your boring bubbles, and when you figure you want something a little more complex and meaningful? Give me a call." 

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