Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fantastik Fail

I'm not a staunch brand loyalty consumer. I experiment, and switch brands. Especially if the price is right. But when I deviate, and the new-guy's reliability tanks or disappoints? I quickly atone for my infidelity, and return to the tried & true. One household product that has gained what I'd consider a sort of allegiance in my book, is the household cleaner, Fantastik. Effective and efficient, and unlike so many on the market, it was spot on it's definition as a household cleaner, and can actually be carried around the house.  16 years in fact, (ouch that hurt my pride to admit) I've come back to Fantastik. Time after time, which is likely the reason I'm so grumped out. The simplicity was key, one product, decently priced, and grab-n-go. This was where they failed me. 16 years I've grabbed that bottle off the shelf, sure inevitably some of the package labeling had changed, but the formulation remained consistent. Until at the end of January my local Walmart apparently pulled "the one" Fantastik, and replaced it with a "new-improved" rendition. Thank you for ruining my bathroom cleaning day last week SC Johnson. My boys are included in this Tuesday-chore-day task, they have their own scrubbing duties...well the 6 year old does the sinks. My 2 year old "helps" wherever we can redirect him. And yes, I'll admit there are several "shoulda coulda woulda's" in this destruction. I shoulda scoured the labeling, after-the-fact inspection revealed the words "Bleach" written right on the front, but remember, I was likely shopping with two-in-tow and have just grabbed this product off the shelf sans "Bleach" for 16 years. And yes, research has revealed that "the one" is still available. But not at my local Walmart. So SC Johnson, the way I see it? You owe me a new bathmat, and two new boys shirts.. And just to prove my point that my grab-n-go mistake wasn't entirely my fault I've included product picture comparisons of "the one" & the "new improved". This new merger with "Scrubbing Bubbles"? Fantastik fail.
P.S. Household cleaners that include Bleach do NOT work in households that have their children assist with the chores.

Fantastik "The One"
Fantastik "With Bleach"

1 comment:

  1. Agreed 100%! I literally found this blog post while searching on Fantastik Scrubbing Bubbles merger. The new product is absolutely inferior and I'm at a loss as to what to use now. Seriously bummed.
